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    Professor Liam Sinclair

    BSc (Hons), PhD, R. Anim. Sci., FHEA., FRAgS

    Professor of Animal Science and past President of the British Society of Animal Science

    Photograph of Liam


    Email: lsinclair@harper-adams.ac.uk

    Teaching Duties

    • B.Sc Agriculture (and routes)
    • FdSc Agricultue (and routes)
    • MSc Ruminant Nutrition
    • Course manager for Diploma in Ruminant Nutrition
    • Short courses for industry.
    • Invited speaker at various conferences in the UK and internationally (e.g. AHDB Dairy knowledge transfer events, European Society of Feed Technologists, Feed Manufacturers Conference, University of Wayamba International Conference, Sri Lanka).
    • Previous degree course external examiner: University College Dublin, University of Reading, University of Aberystwyth, Bishop Burton College, Askham Bryan College.

    Research Interests

    • Dairy cow nutrition and metabolism
    • Rumen metabolism and methane mitigation
    • Maniuplutation of the polyunsaturated and conjugated linoleic acid content of milk and meat
    • Forage management for dairy cows
    • Mineral metabolism of dairy cows 

    Professional Memberships

    • Past President of the British Society of Animal Science
    • Fellow of the Royal Agricultural Societies
    • Member American Society of Dairy Science
    • Registered Animal Scientist
    • Fellow Higher Education Academy

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Beef and Sheep Research Group

    Research: Dairy, Heifer and Calf Research Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815332

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 810931

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    Office: JA GO6 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building

    Research profile:

    Research profile:


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    is a joint repository for research outputs designed to capture the work of individuals and institutions who are Members of GuildHE.

    Other publications

    • Atkins, N.E., Bleach, E.C.L., Mackenzie, A.M., Hargreaves, P.R and Sinclair, L.A. (2020) Mineral status, metabolism and performance of dairy heifers receiving a combined trace element bolus and out-wintered on perennial ryegrass, kale or fodder beet. Livestock Science 231:
    • Till, B.E., Huntington, J.A., Kliem, K.A., Taylor-Pickard, J. and Sinclair, L.A. (2020) Long term dietary supplementation with microalgae increases plasma docosahexaenoic acid in milk and plasma but does not affect plasma 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto PGF2? concentration in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Research In press
    • Atkins, N.E., Cinachi, C., Rutter, S.M., Williams, S.J., Gauld, G.L., Charlton, G.L. and Sinclair, L.A. (2020) Performance, milk fatty acid composition and behaviour of high-yielding Holstein dairy cows given a limited grazing period. Grass and Forage Science In press
    • Till, B.E., Huntington, J.A., Posri, W., Early, R., Taylor-Pickard, J. and Sinclair, L.A (2019) Journal of Dairy Science 102: 10934-10946.
    • Tayyab, U., Wilkinson, R. G., Charlton, G.L., Reynolds, C. K. and Sinclair, L. A. (2019) Animal 13: 524-532.
    • Weerathilake, W. A. D. V., Brassington, A. H., Williams, S. J., Kwong, W. Y., Sinclair, L. A., and Sinclair, K. D. (2019) Animal 13: 750-759.
    • Rodriguez-Herrera, M., Khatri, Y., Marsh, S.P., Posri, W. and Sinclair, L.A. (2018) Feeding microalgae at a high level to finishing heifers increases the long chain n-3 fatty acid composition of beef with only small effects on the sensory quality. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 53: 1405-1413
    • Atkins, N.E., Bleach, E.C.L. and Sinclair, L.A. (2018) Periparturient and early lactation performance and metabolism of replacement Holstein-Friesian heifers out-wintered on fodder beet or perennial ryegrass compared with winter housing. Grass and Forage Science 73: 828-840
    • Tayyab, U., Wilkinson, R. G., Charlton, G.L., Reynolds, C. K. and Sinclair, L. A. (2018) Grass silage particle size when fed with or without maize silage alters performance, reticular pH and metabolism of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows Livestock Science 217: 108-115.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Johnson, D., Wilson, S. and Mackenzie, A.M. (2017) Added dietary sulfur and molybdenum has a greater influence on hepatic copper concentration, intake, and performance in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows offered a grass silage- rather than corn-silage based diet. Journal of Dairy Science 100: 4365-4376.
    • Hart, K.J., Huntington, J.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Bartram, C.G. and Sinclair, L.A (2015) The influence of grass silage to maize silage ratio and concentrate composition on methane emissions, performance and milk composition of dairy cows Animal 9: 983-991
    • Sinclair, L.A. and Atkins, N.E. (2015) Intake of selected minerals on commercial dairy herds in central and northern England in comparison with requirements Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambs) 153
    • Sinclair, L.A., Edwards, R., Errington, K.A., Holdcroft, A.M. and Wright, M. (2015) Replacement of grass and maize silage a with lucerne silage: Effects on performance, milk fatty acid profile and digestibility in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows Animal 9; 1970-1978.
    • Motupalli, P.R., Sinclair, L.A., Charlton, G.L., Bleach, E.C., Rutter, S.M., (2014) Preference and behavior of lactating dairy cows given free access to pasture at two herbage allowances and two distances. Journal of Animal Science 92:5175-5184.
    • Sinclair, K.D., Garnsworthy, P.C., Mann, G.E and Sinclair, L.A. (2014) Reducing dietary protein in dairy cow diets: implications for nitrogen utilization, milk production, welfare and fertility. Animal 8: 262-274.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Hart, K.J., Johnson, D. and Mackenzie, A.M. (2013) Effect of inorganic or organic copper fed without or with added sulfur and molybdenum on the performance, indicators of copper status and hepatic mRNA in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 96: 4355–4367.
    • Charlton, G.L., Rutter, S.M., East, M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2013) The motivation of dairy cows for access to pasture. Journal of Dairy Science 96: 4387-4396.
    • Hussein, M., Harvatine, K.H., Weerasinghe, W.M.P.B., Sinclair, L.A. and Bauman, D.E. (2013) Conjugated linoleic acid-induced milk fat depression in lactating ewes is accompanied by reduced expression of mammary genes involved in lipid synthesis. Journal of Dairy Science 96: 3825-3834
    • Sinclair, L.A., Blake, C.W., Griffin, P. and Jones, G.H. (2012) The partial replacement of soyabean meal and rapeseed meal with feed grade urea or a slow-release urea and its effect on the performance, metabolism and digestibility in dairy cows. Animal 6: 920-927.
    • Weerasinghe, W.M.P.B., Wilkinson, R.G., Lock, A.L., De Veth, M.J. and Bauman, D.E. and Sinclair, L.A. (2012) Effect of a supplement containing trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on the performance of dairy ewes fed two levels of metabolizable protein and at a restricted energy intake. Journal of Dairy Science 95: 109-116.
    • Kasapidou, E., Wood, J.D., Wilkinson, R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. and Enser, M. (2012) Effect of vitamin E supplementation and diet on meat colour, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of lamb leg steaks in modified atmosphere packs. Meat Science 90: 908-916.
    • Charlton, G.L., Rutter, S.M., East, M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2011) Preference of dairy cows: Indoor cubicle housing with access to a total mixed ration vs. access to pasture Applied Animal Behaviour Science 130: 1-9.
    • Whistance, L., Sinclair, L.A., Arney, D. and Phillips, C.J.C. (2011) Eliminative behaviour of dairy cows at pasture. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 130:73-80.
    • Hart, K.J., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Huntington, J.A. (2011) Effect of whole-crop pea (Pisium sativum L.) differing in condensed tannin content as a sunstitute for grass silage and soybean meal on the performance, metabolism and carcass characteristics of lambs. Journal of Animal Science 89: 3663-3676.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Weerasinghe, W.M.P.B., Wilkinson, R.G., de Veth, M.J. and Bauman, D.E. (2010) A supplement containing trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid reduces milk fat yield but does not alter organ weight or body fat deposition in lactating ewes. Journal of Nutrition 140: 1949-1955.
    • Kasapidou, E., Enser, M., Wood, J.D., Richardson, R.I., Wilkinson R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2009) Influence of vitamin E supplementation and basal diet on the vitamin E status, performance and tissue fatty concentration in lambs. Animal 3: 516-526
    • Whistance, L., Sinclair, L.A., Arney, D. and Phillips, C.J.C. (2009) Trainability of eliminiative behaviour in dairy heifers using a secondary reinforcer. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 117: 128-136.
    • Cope, C.M., Mackenzie, A.M., Wilde, D. and Sinclair, L.A. (2009) Effects of level and form of dietary zinc on dairy cow performance and health. Journal of Dairy Science 92:2128-2135.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Hart, K.J., Wilkinson, R.G. and Huntington, J.A. (2009) Effects of inclusion of whole-crop peas silages differing in their tannin content on the performance of dairy cows fed high or low protein concentrates. Livestock Science 124:306-311.
    • Gibson, H., Sinclair, L.A., Brizuela, C.M., Worton, H.L. and Protheroe, R.G. (2008) The effectiveness of selected pre-milking teat cleaning regimes at reducing teat microbial load on commercial dairy farms. Letters in Applied Microbiology 46: 295-300.
    • Nute, G.R., Richardson, R.I., Wood, J.D., Hughes, S.I., Wilkinson, R.G., Cooper, S.L. and Sinclair, L.A. (2007) Effect of dietary oil source on the flavour and stability of lamb meat. Meat Science 77: 547-555.
    • Sinclair, L.A. (2007) Nutritional manipulation of the fatty acid composition of sheep meat: a review. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambs) 145: 419-434.
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G., Mackenzie, A.M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2007) The effect of fishoil supplementation of pregnant and lactating ewes on milk production and lamb performance. Animal 1: 889-898.
    • Whistance, L., Arney, D., Sinclair, L. A. and Phillips, C.J.C. (2007) Differences in defaecation behaviour in dairy cows housed in straw yards or cubicle systems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 105: 14-25.
    • Sinclair, L. A., Bond, A. J., Huntington, J.A., and Readman, R.J. (2007) Effect of rate of substitution of processed, urea-treated whole crop wheat for grass silage on the intake, milk production and diet digestibility in dairy cows and ruminal metabolism in vitro. Animal. 1: 601-611.
    • Sinclair, L. A., Lock, A. L., Early, R. and Bauman, D. E. (2007) Effects of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on ovine milk fat synthesis and cheese properties. Journal of Dairy Science. 90: 3326-3335.
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G., Mackenzie, A.M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2006) Polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy alters neonatal behavior in sheep. Journal of Nutrition. 136: 397-403.
    • Lock A. L. Teles, B.M., Perfield II, J.W., Bauman, D.E. and Sinclair, L. A. (2006) A conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) supplement containing trans-10, cis-12 CLA reduces milk fat synthesis in lactating sheep. Journal of Dairy Science. 89: 1525-1532.
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G., MacKenzie, A.M., Pattinson, S.E. and Sinclair, L.A. (2005) The effect of dietary vitamin E and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation of pregnant and lactating ewes on placental and mammary transfer of vitamin E to the lamb. British Journal of Nutrition. 93: 549-557.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Jackson, M.A., Huntington, J.A., and Readman, R.J. (2005) The effects of processed and urea-treated whole-crop wheat, maize silage and supplement type to whole-crop wheat on the performance of dairy cows. Livestock Production Science. 95: 1-10.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Cooper, S.L., Huntington, J.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Hallett, K.G., Enser, M. and Wood, J.D. (2005) In vitro biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids protected against ruminal microbial metabolism. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 123-124: 579-596.
    • Sinclair, L. A., Cooper, S. L., Chikunya, S., Wilkinson, R. G., Hallett, K. G., Enser, M. and Wood, J. D. (2005) Biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the rumen and their effects on microbial metabolism and plasma fatty acid concentrations in sheep. Animal Science. 81: 239-248.
    • Elmore, J.S., Cooper, S.L., Enser, M., Mottram, D.S., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., and Wood, J.D. (2005) Lamb meat and its effect on the volatile aroma compounds of grilled lamb. Meat Science 69: 233-242.
    • Chikunya, S., Demirel, G., Enser, M., Wood, J.D., Wilkinson, R.G., and Sinclair, L.A. (2004) Biohydrogenation of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and stability of ingested vitamin E in the rumen and their effects on microbial activity in sheep. British Journal of Nutrition. 91: 539-550.
    • Demirel, G., Wachira, A., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Wood, J.D., and Enser, M. (2004) Effects of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, breed and vitamin E on the fatty acids of lamb muscle, liver and adipose tissue. British Journal of Nutrition. 91: 551-565.
    • Jackson, M.A., Readman, R.J., Huntington, J.A., and Sinclair, L.A. (2004) The effects of processing at harvest and cutting height of urea-treated whole-crop wheat on the performance and digestibility in lactating dairy cows. Animal Scence. 78: 467-476.
    • Cooper, S.L. Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Enser, M., Wood, J.D. (2004) Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of muscle and adipose tissue in lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 82: 1461-1470.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Ferguson, D.M.R. (2003) Effects of crop maturity and cutting height on the nutritive value of fermented whole crop wheat and milk production in dairy cows. Livestock Production Science. 81: 257-269.
    • Richardson, J.M., Wilkinson, R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2003) Synchrony of nutrient supply to the rumen and dietary energy source and their effects on the growth and metabolism of lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 81: 1332-1347.
    • Wachira, A.M., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Enser, M. and Wood, J.D., and Fisher, A.V. (2002) Effects of dietary fat source and breed on the carcass composition, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid abd conjugated linoleic acid content of sheep meat and adipose tissue. British Journal of Nutrition. 88: 697-709.
    • Sinclair, K.D., Sinclair, L.A., and Robinson J.J. (2000) Nitrogen and metabolism in cattle: 1. Adaptive changes in intake and metabolism to diets differing in their rate of energy and nitrogen release in the rumen. Journal of Animal Science. 78: 2659-2669.
    • Wachira, A.M., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Hallett, K., Enser, M. and Wood, J.D. (2000) Rumen biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunstaurated fatty acids and their effects on microbial efficiency and nutrient digestibility in sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge). 135: 419-428.
    • Fisher, A.V., Enser, M., Wood, J.D., Nute, G.R., Richardson, R.I., Kurt, E., Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2000) Fatty acid composition and eating quality of lambs from four extreme breed and production system groups. Meat Science. 55: 141-147.
    • Wilkinson, R.G., Sinclair, L.A., Powles, J. and Minter, C.M. (2000) Response of lactating ewes grazing grass to variations in effective rumen degradable protein and digestible undegradable protein supply from concentrate supplements. Animal Science. 71: 369-379.
    • Witt, M.W., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., and Buttery P.J. (2000) The effects of synchronising the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen supply to the rumen on milk production and metabolism of lactating ewes offered grass silage based diets. Animal Science. 71: 187-195.
    • Witt, M.W., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., and Buttery P.J. (1999) The effects of synchronising the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen supply to the rumen on the production and metabolism of sheep. Feed characterization and growth and metabolism of ewe lambs fed ad libitum. Animal Science. 69: 223-235.
    • Witt, M.W., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Buttery P.J. (1999) The effects of synchronising the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen supply to the rumen on the metabolism and growth of ram lambs fed at a restricted level. Animal Science. 69: 627-636.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Garnsworthy, P.C., Newbold, J.R. and Buttery, P.J. (1995) Effects of synchronizing the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen release in diets with a similar carbohydrate composition on rumen fermentation and microbial protein synthesis in sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge). 124: 463-472
    • Sinclair, L.A., Garnsworthy, P.C., Newbold, J. R. and Buttery, P.J. (1993) Effect of synchronizing the rate of dietary energy and nitrogen release on rumen fermentation and microbial protein synthesis in sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge). 120: 251-263.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Galbraith, H. and Scaife, J.R. (1991) Effect of dietary protein concentration and cimaterol on growth and body composition of entire male lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 34: 181-192.
    Additional Information


    McDonald, P., Edwards, R.A., Greenhalgh, J.F.D., Morgan, C.A., Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2021). Animal Nutrition (8th Edition). Pearson, Harlow, UK

    McDonald, P., Edwards, R.A., Greenhalgh, J.F.D., Morgan, C.A., Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2011). Animal Nutrition (7th Editiion). Pearson-Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.

    Book Chapters:

    Sinclair, L.A. and Mackenzie, A.M. (2013). Mineral Nutrition of dairy cows: supply vs. requirements. In Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. P.C. Garnsworthy and J. Wiseman (editors) pp 13-30. Context publishing, Ashby de la Zouch, UK.

    Sinclair, K.D., Garnsworthy, P.C., Mann, G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2013). Reducing dietary prortein in dairy cows diets: Theoretical considerations and practical constraints in relation to cow productivity, welfare and health. In: Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. P.C. Garnsworthy and J. Wiseman (editors). pp1-12. Context publishing, Ashby de la Zouch, UK. 

    Sinclair, L.A. (2008). Rate of nitrogen and energy release in the rumen and effects on feed utilisation and animal performance. In: Gut efficiency: the key ingredient in ruminant production. S. Andrieu and D. Wilde (Eds). pp 61-78. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

    Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (1999). Feeding systems for sheep. In: Feed evaluation: methods, systems and models. M.K. Theodorou and J. France (Eds). CABI Publishing.


    You can contact Professor Liam Sinclair if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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