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    Staff Directory

    Mr Alan Stewart

    B.Sc., M.Sc.

    Senior Lecturer

    Photograph of Alan

    Teaching Duties

    Pig Production and Science at all levels and courses, Monogastric Nutrition and Growth Physiology.

    Research Interests

    Pig production sytems and Nutrition.  Recent major projects and programmes of work include:

    • The effect of weaning age on lifetime performance, health and welfare.
    • The effect of low protein diets on performance, meat quality and environmental impact.
    • The evaluation of a low phytate wheat germplasm.
    • The effect of supplementary milk to litters from birth.
    • The effect of weaning management on litter performance.
    • The effect of straw bedding on pig nutrition and environment.

    Professional Memberships

    • Brittish Society of Animal Science
    • National Pig Association

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Pig, Poultry and Aquatic Animals Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815348

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Office: G18 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building

    Research profile:


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    Recent Papers

    Wattanakul W., Rooke J.A., Stewart A.H., English P.R. and Edwards S.A., (2007).  Effect of milk deprivation during the lactation period on performance and digestive enzyme activities of the piglets following weaning.  Animal. 1 p381 – 387.

    G.A.Teye, P.R. Sheard, F.M. Whittington, G.R. Nute, A. Stewart   and J.D Wood.  (2006) Influence of dietary oils and  protein level on pork quality 1. Effects on muscle fatty acid composition, carcass, meat and eating quality.  Meat Science. 73  p157-165

    G.A.Teye, J.D Wood, F.M. Whittington, A. Stewart   and P.R. Sheard.  (2006) Influence of dietary oils and protein level on pork quality 2. Effects on properties of fat and processing characteristics of bacon and frankfurter-style sausages.   Meat Science. 73  p166-177.


    White, CI., Edwards, SG. and Stewart, AH. 2007. An investigation into the level of fusarium mycotoxins in samples of UK wheat straw used for bedding livestock.  Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, Southport, April 2007. p110.

    Stonehouse, GG., Whittington, FM., Doran, O., Stewart, AH., Hazzledine, MJ. and Wood, JD. 2007. Low protein diets to increase protein retention in saleable meat in pigs. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, Southport, April 2007. p88.

    H.L.Edge, K.Breuer, K.Hillman, C.A.Morgan, A.Stewart, W.D.Strachan, L.Taylor, C.M.Theobald, S.A. Edwards. 2006. AGEWEAN - The effect of weaning age on sow performance over four parities. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, Southport, April 2007. p86.

    H.L.Edge, K.Breuer, K.Hillman, C.A.Morgan, A.Stewart, W.D.Strachan, L.Taylor, C.M.Theobald, S.A. Edwards. 2006.  AGEWEAN – The effect of weaning age on growing pig performance in the absence of antibiotic growth promoters. IPVS. July 2006.

    Edge HL, Breuer K, Hillman K, Morgan CA, Stewart AH, Strachan WD, Taylor L, Theobald CM, Edwards SA.  2006 AGEWEAN – The effect of weaning age on health and lifetime performance of growing pigs.  EAAP.  September 2006

    S.Icely, S., Stewart, AH., Blanchard, PJ. And Mackenzie, AM. 2005. Effect of ascorbic acid supplementation of sows and piglets on health and performance of piglets.  Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2005. p97

    G.A. Teye, P.R. Sheard, F.W. Whittington, A. Stewart  and J.D Wood.  2004.  Effect of dietary oil type and protein level on carcass and fat qualities in pigs. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2004. p98.

    J. Williams, A. H. Stewart, A. M. Mackenzie,  J. Powles, S. P. Rose, S. Eskinazi and J. Smith. 2004. The effects of hops in weaner pig diets of different energy levels.  Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2004. p158.

    C Blaken, M.J. Allen, A. H. Stewart, A. M. Mackenzie. 2003. The effect of pre-weaning mixing and vitamin C supplementation on piglet performance. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2003. p 94.

    H. Brierley, A.H. Stewart, A. M. Mackenzie, M. J. Allen, P. J. Blanchard, L. Tucker and P. Toplis. 2003.  The effect of Lycopene, a carotenoid with strong antioxidant properties, and a Neutraceutical mix on the performance and immune function of weaned pigs.  Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2003. p 89.

    M. J. Allen, C.M. Harrison, A. H. Stewart & A. M. Mackenzie.  2003. Effect of mixing piglets prior to weaning on immune responses of piglets. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2003. p 34.

    M.J. Allen, A.H. Stewart & A.M. Mackenzie (2002) Effect of leaving piglets in the farrowing rooms post-weaning and mixing pre-weaning on piglet performance.   Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2002. p 36.

    J. Williams, F. Baker, R. Hooper and A. Stewart 2002.   The effect of providing a choice of social environment on performance and behaviour of gestating sows. Proceedings of BSAS Annual Meeting, York, April 2002. p 69.


    You can contact Mr Alan Stewart if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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